On the weekend of Friday 12-13 August our Juniors celebrated 'Indigenous Round'.
To celebrate the weekend Josh Whiteland created an indigenous design & our weekly oval marker, Kent Vollprecht, brought it to life for the weekend. It looked amazing! A big thank you to you both & to our Club President, Mark Delane, for coordinating it all.
This aerial photograph shows all three of our Year 6 teams arm-in-arm before their Friday Night Footy Games & we cannot claim to have organised it but the moon put on a show for us too.
Our juniors celebrated the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and its contribution to Australian Rules Football by wearing black, gold & red arm bands during their games, an Acknowledgment to Country was read before each game & Indigenous Australians within each team or the opposition team lead the teams out and did the coin toss.
It was a special weekend, with some great footy being played and even though winter showed its force on the Saturday all of our juniors enjoyed being a part of the Indigenous Round.
As a Club we would like to take this opportunity to reinforce that the Dunsborough Sharks do not tolerate racism in our football community.
